Oct. 18, 6:41 a.m.
An employee at the Bureau of Reclamation called about a voicemail she received while she was out of the office. It seemed a man was calling for help and the man had likely misdialed. Upon checking with the man, officers learned he had fracture some ribs a few weeks ago and thought he had called 911 for assistance.
Oct. 18, 4:03 p.m.
Officers were called by a man stating his mother believed her home had been burglarized. When they arrived, they realized there was no burglary but there was a chain across the door that could not be opened from the outside and the woman could not get inside her home.
Oct. 19, 12:19 a.m.
Officers were out with a man wearing camouflage attire who had a bicycle. He was warned not to ride on the sidewalk.
Oct. 19, 12:31 p.m.
A woman called to report that her wallet and checkbook were stolen out of her car while she was attending a funeral. The back window of her vehicle had been broken and the purse had been sitting on the front seat under a blanket.
Oct. 19, 1:54 p.m.
A man call to report the theft of a bird trap from his home in Gingerwood Mobile Park. He said several people had complained about the trap and he did not want to press charges if a suspect is found. A neighbor said none of the people who complained about the trap are physically capable of stealing it because “they are ancient.”
Oct. 19, 6:59 p.m.
A person called to report trash on the Ash Street. Public works was notified and a crew sent out to clean up the mess.
Oct. 20, 12:27 p.m.
A woman called to request an officer’s presence while she picked up her final paycheck from her former employer.
Oct. 20, 2:23 p.m.
A woman called to say that her mail service has been suspended by the postal service because of a dog “charging” at the delivery person. She stated the postal service advised her that they have been in touch with animal control and she could come to the post office to get her mail. The woman said if the police can’t do anything about getting her mail delivered to her home she would call City Hall to “do what I can.” Animal control was contacted and reported that there were no issues on that street, but that a dog did come out of a yard and then went back in the yard. The address given by the woman is not valid.
Oct. 21, 12:40 p.m.
A woman called about a possible skimming device on a fuel pump at a local gas station.
Oct. 22, 12:19 p.m.
A cooler full of items was discovered all over the roadway. The owner showed up and officers assisted in gathering up the items.
Oct. 22, 2 p.m.
Officers were called about a group of 30-40 people at Hemenway Valley Park who were drinking alcohol and chasing and trying to grab the bighorn sheep. Upon arrival, officers noted the sheep were not being bothered and no one was being rowdy.
Oct. 22, 2:44 p.m.
Officers received another report about people drinking and chasing the sheep in Hemenway Valley Park. Watching for a distance, officers only saw people taking pictures.
Oct. 23, 8:40 p.m.
Officers received a call about a Mustang and a Subaru drag racing in front of the high school. The Mustang was reportedly going over 100 mph.
Oct. 24, 5:50 a.m.
A man called to complain that someone in his neighborhood honks a car horn that sounds like a train every morning between 6 and 6:15 a.m.
Oct. 24, 8:32 a.m.
A man reported to someone drilled holes into his tree and is trying to kill it. He said he wanted the case noted in case the tree died. Officers noted the tree does not appear to be blocking any neighbors’ view.