Sept. 12, 10:05 p.m.
A man called the police and said that his female neighbor was pointing a gun at him. Upon arrival, officers detained the woman. They determined that before they arrived, there had a been a family disturbance, and she had left. Currently, she is being an “uncooperative witness.” She said that she had actually been trying to prevent the disturbance. The man refused to sign a complaint against her and asked that she stay away from his residence.
Sept. 13, 2:22 p.m.
A caller reported that a man, woman and a juvenile were screaming and slamming doors. It also sounded like someone was being thrown against a wall. Upon arrival, officers found that the man had left.
Sept. 14, 3:10 p.m.
Officers received a report that a group of boys were being verbally abusive to patrons and employees in the library parking lot. All were given a “stern warning.”
Sept. 14, 5:50 p.m.
Officers received a report that there was a rattlesnake in someone’s carport. Upon arrival, the officer found an “82-foot rattlesnake which was “wrangled” by the officer “with nothing more than a shovel.” The officer then “hurled the serpent 100 yards into the desert where he then scared it away with boulders the size of mountains.”
Sept. 15, 8:18 a.m.
Officers received a report that four banks of mailboxes were pried open the night before. It appeared as if a crowbar had been used, and people were requesting more patrol in the area.
Sept. 16, 12:52 a.m.
A woman called the police and said that she had just a witnessed another woman steal her bed sheets from the public dryer at their complex. The woman then ran into a different apartment with the sheets, after which she came back out and ran off. The sheets were still in her apartment. The caller said that she wanted a citation issued if the woman was found, and she also wanted her sheets returned.
Sept. 16, 6:26 p.m.
A caller reported that a white female who was approximately 60 years old appeared to be on drugs and was yelling at juveniles on the playground side of the park. She was trying to start fights with them and yelling that she was a rock star. Upon arrival, officers said that she was not “causing a disturbance.” Rather she was just “talking to them and entertaining them with her mad rap skills.” They found her to be “heavily intoxicated.” She also wanted to make a report on some lost property and was advised to contact the police department when she was sober.
Sept. 16, 7:36 p.m.
Officers received a report that a woman was intoxicated and harassing juveniles. The caller was a female juvenile who said that she felt uncomfortable and had to leave. Upon arrival officers found that the woman had multiple injuries on her arms, but she was refusing medical assistance. She was cited for public intoxication and given a courtesy ride to her home.
Sept. 18, 6:16 p.m.
Officers received a report of a man who was lying in the middle of the road just past Taco Bell. He did appear to be moving.
Sept. 18, 11:36 p.m.
Officers observed the passenger of a car trying to climb onto the roof of the vehicle while it was moving. Upon investigation, they found someone in the car to be in possession of a fake ID to purchase alcohol.