Trial set for ex-candidate
The trial in the appeal of former City Council candidate Brent Foutz has been set in Nevada’s Eighth District Court for 10 a.m. Oct. 3. It is for charges in Boulder City Municipal Court stemming from an incident last year.
On July 18, Judge Pro-Tem Margaret Whitaker found Foutz guilty of trespassing, not amounting to burglary, and resisting a public officer for a December incident in which he refused to leave the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home, 100 Veterans Memorial Drive, after being told he had trespassed and must leave. Whitaker fined him $500 for each charge and sentenced him to seven days in jail with credit for time served.
Foutz filed his appeal in District Court on July 29, and on Aug. 9, Foutz, who is representing himself, filed a demand for a jury trial. According to the court minutes, Judge Richard Scotti, who is presiding over the appeal, told Foutz he was not entitled to a jury trial under the law.