Rabbit killer’s trial continued
The Henderson trial for a former Boulder City resident who is serving two years in jail for mutilating and killing cottontail rabbits has been continued until February.
Devon Yslas was arrested in Boulder City on Sept. 7, 2017, after evidence connecting him to the mutilation of cottontail rabbits was found. He had been sentenced to six-months of suspended jail time each for two charges of animal cruelty as well as one count of wanton waste of game (amended from hunting out of season), one count of unlawful manner of hunting with aid of artificial light, and one count of hunting without a license or permit.
At a November status check hearing, Judge Victor Miller imposed the extra time because Yslas was facing four more charges in Henderson Justice Court in addition to not being open and honest with a psychotherapist and the house arrest office.
His trial on charges of possessing wildlife after the end of open season; wanton waste of game; unlawful wildlife act; and hunt, trap or fish without license or permit in Henderson Justice Court was scheduled for Jan. 22 but, according to Colleen Brohimer, legal office specialist, has been continued to 9 a.m. Feb. 19 for possible negotiations.