Applications available for 2017 Damboree parade
Applications are now being accepted for those interested in participating in the annual Damboree parade on July 4.
Individuals, groups, vehicles and equestrians may enter the parade. Participants must designate if they will be a water entry.
The entry fee is $15 if received or postmarked by June 5 and $25 for those entries received or postmarked June 6-19. Any late entries will be charged $75 and will only be accepted if the script for the parade announcer has not been finalized.
The application is available on the city’s website, www.bcnv.org.
Applications can be brought or mailed to the city’s Parks and Recreation Department at 401 California Ave., Boulder City NV 89005; faxed to 702-293-9419; or emailed to damboree@bcnv.org.
For additional information, contact Barbara Agostini, parade chairperson, at 702-275-6582.