A steady stream of cars passed through the parking lot of the Boulder City Fire Department on Tuesday, July 14, morning as locals were tested for COVID-19.
The coronavirus tests are offered free to city residents each Tuesday through a partnership between Boulder City, Boulder City Hospital and the Southern Nevada Health District.
Fire Chief Will Gray said the testing event has proved to be so popular it will be extended through the end of August. Testing is offered from 8-11 a.m. Tuesdays by appointment only at the fire department, 1101 Elm Street. Gray said they can accommodate about 170 people each session.
In addition to the testing for residents, two special sessions are scheduled for clients of Emergency Aid of Boulder City. They will be offered from 8-10 a.m. July 23 and 27 in Sundial Park, 600 Nevada Way, next to the nonprofit organization.
With about 6,500 tests a week being administered in Nevada, Gray said it is taking a bit longer than before to get the results. Additionally, he said because of privacy laws, department personnel must speak to the person to provide them with results.
However, they are also available on the health department’s website and can usually be accessed sooner than phone calls can be made, he added.
Boulder City paramedics and Boulder City Hospital nurses will administer the tests, which are shorter and far less invasive than the earlier tests, said Lisa LaPlante, communications manager for the city.
Residents must provide a name, address and contact information in order to get the free testing. No doctors’ orders are required.
Fire department personnel are on duty and emergency calls take precedence, Gray added, pointing to a nearby response rig ready to be put into action if needed.
To make an appointment, call 702-293-9256 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Emergency Aid clients can make an appointment by calling 702-293-9282.
Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.