After a very short introduction by city staff and without discussion, the city council voted unanimously last week to give a 50-foot-square piece of city-owned land to the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
The vacant parcel, consisting of 2,500 square feet, is located at approximately 98 Nevada Way. The council agreed to convey the land from the city of Boulder City to the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation for a civic or charitable purpose without consideration. (For those not versed in legalize, “convey” basically means to give and “without consideration” means for free.)
The small plot at 98 Nevada Way is within the overall confines of the parcel housing the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, which was formerly used as the Nevada Welcome Center. According to staff description, the plot lies a short distance from the front of the Chamber building at the top of a small knoll. It has typically been used by tourists looking for a view of Lake Mead.
It was also noted that the parcel is impossible to access without crossing property already owned by the Chamber. State law allows for the transfer of city land to a nonprofit entity without charge if it is for a “civic or charitable purpose.” The city charter also allows the council to approve transfer of land to non-profit corporations. The deed conveying the land to the chamber has a restriction that it be used for a civic or charitable purpose or it will automatically revert to the city.
The chamber building boasts a stunning view of Lake Mead and has an interesting history. The site was originally developed by the Nevada Department of Transportation as the Nevada Welcome Center. Because of that previous usage, the site includes much more than just the chamber building. It was developed with restrooms, covered picnic areas, and a large parking lot.
According to a staff report, “for unknown reasons, the city maintained ownership of the top of a very small hill within the middle of the site (a 50-foot x 50-foot parcel) that is commonly used by visitors to the site to view Lake Mead and other area vistas.”
About a year ago, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation submitted a request to acquire the city-owned vacant parcel. Q&As noted previously, the parcel, through the development of surrounding lands, has become “landlocked” and is only accessible through the parcel already owned by the chamber.
There are no plans to change the way the property is used. The chamber told the city that they intend to continue to use the property for visitors to be able to “view the lake and enjoy the other vistas.” Staff did report in their intro of the resolution that the chamber would like to improve the plot to make for a better visitor experience. Following this vote, the chamber will be responsible for the property moving forward.