A colorful new holiday celebration returns to the community this year.
The Boulder City Review will once again present its Christmas Coloring Contest inviting local residents to submit their works of art.
Entering is simple. Just clip the picture out of today’s or the Nov. 25 issue of the Boulder City Review and color it. Entries can be completed in crayons, colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
The second annual contest has been divided into three age divisions: 4-7, 8-12 and 55 and older. Entrants may not have assistance coloring the picture, but may receive help in filling out the entry form.
Each entry will be judged on its use of color, neatness and overall appearance. They must be received no later than 8 p.m. Dec. 4. A special Christmas box will be placed at the Boulder City Review office to drop off entries.
The first-place winner in each category will receive a $25 gift card. Second-place and honorable-mention winners will receive special awards.
Winners will be notified by Dec. 10 and their artistic masterpieces will be featured in the Boulder City Review on Dec. 23. All entries will be displayed on the windows of the Boulder City Review office.
The contest is open to anyone except employees of the Boulder City Review or Las Vegas Review-Journal Inc. or their relatives.
The Boulder City Review is at 508 Nevada Way, Suite 1.