A look at candidates for Boulder City Council: Tom Tyler

Tom Tyler, 72

Occupation: Previously worked at Safeway

33 years in Boulder City

What single issue most influenced your decision to run for council or seek re-election?

The city keeps forgetting the voters’ desire to maintain current lifestyle. Stop creating projects that put us in debt so our only recourse is to sell large tracts of land. The population is decreasing but solar funds do not make that a problem to maintain and improve what we have.

Why do you feel you are the best person for the position?

I care. Three terms as president of Emergency Aid, past member Parks and Recreation committee, past member Allotment committee, up for Utility Committee May 28. I also monitor council meetings and attend workshops.

What’s the biggest issue facing Boulder City today?

Pool project should be toned down. Just a pool, not a complex.

Many, especially in the business community, would like to see Boulder City become more than just a day trip with visitors spending multiple days here. But some recent decisions, such as banning short-term rentals, would seem to discourage multi-day visits. How does the city balance the needs of its residents with that of encouraging tourism?

The needs of the residents is a safe, clean, well-maintained infrastructure. History would imply tourism is undependable. Zipline, motorcycle track, two golf courses, historical preservation, etc. have either failed or not met expectations. People were aware of this and should not have speculated on rentals. We raise families and look after our retirement.

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