1 TAKE A DIP: You can cool off, have fun and get some exercise at the same time at the Boulder City Municipal Pool. Open swim is 1-5 p.m. daily, with adult lap time 6-9 a.m. Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m.-noon and 6-7 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Family swim time is scheduled for 5-6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Admission is $2 for people 17 and younger and $3 for those 18 and older. The pool is at 861 Avenue B. For more information, call the pool at 702-293-9286.
2 BOWLED OVER: Knock down some pins and aim for a perfect 300 score. In addition to a variety of leagues, the bowling alley has regular open-bowl hours daily. Boulder Bowl also offers the Kids Bowl Free program in the summer; details are available at www.kidsbowlfree.com. Call the bowling alley at 702-293-2368 to get more details or check on lane availability.
3 SATURDAY SKIT SPINOFF: The adventures of rock ’n’ roll fans Wayne Campbell and his friend Garth Algar, who host a public-access television show from Wayne’s basement, continue in the film “Wayne’s World,” which will be shown at 5:30 p.m. Friday in the community room at the library. The film, a spinoff of a “Saturday Night Live” skit, is rated PG-13 and suggested for those 13 and older. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd. Call 702-293-1281 for more information.