1 BELLS WILL BE RINGING: More than 100 bell ringers will attend the Las Vegas Twelfth Night Handbell Festival, which culminates Saturday evening with a free concert at the city’s recreation center, 900 Arizona St. The concert, which begins at 5 p.m., will feature solo pieces as well as performances by handbell choirs. Additionally, a choral group and keyboardist will perform. There is no admission fee.
2 BOWLED OVER: Knock down some pins and get some exercise while having fun. Head over to Boulder Bowl, 504 California Ave., for a game or two. The alley is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Call 702-293-2368 for lane availability.
3 CHEERS: The Best Dam Wine Walk presented by the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce returns to historic downtown Boulder City on Saturday. Vegas Golden Knights is theme for the event that begins at 4 p.m. at Grace Christian Academy, 512 California Ave., and continues until 8 p.m. (check-in ends at 6:30 p.m.). Tickets are $25 each or $40 for a couple. Visit https://www.bouldercitychamberofcommerce.com/2019-best-dam-wine-walk.html for details.