ROCK ‘N’ ROLL: American Voodoo brings its version of rock ‘n’ roll to Boulder Dam Brewing Co. on Saturday. The Las Vegas band’s performance is part of the All Fur Love Animal Society’s Whiskers and Tails motorcycle poker run. The band plays from 6-11 p.m. The brew pub is at 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit www.boulderdambrewing.com for more information.
LOCAL TREASURES: Join rangers at the Alan Bible Visitor Center at Lake Mead National Recreation Area for “Treasures of Southern Nevada.” The talk about public lands in the area will be presented at 11:30 and 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call 702-293-8990 for additional information.
SING A SONG: Get your vocal chords in tune for some karaoke at Jack’s Place, 544 Nevada Way. The singing starts at 7 p.m. Friday. There is no cost to participate. For additional information, call 702-489-6409