1 ACOUSTIC SOUL: Americana singer-songwriter Toney Rocks plays a free, all-ages show at 8 p.m. Saturday at Boulder Dam Brewing Co., 453 Nevada Way. The Las Vegas-based musician has been on tour all summer supporting his new album, “No Road Too Long,” and the final stop is in Boulder City. Backing up his soulful vocals with piano and acoustic guitar, his sound is a mix of Jackson Browne and Jimi Hendrix. For more information, visit facebook.com/Toneyrocks/.
2 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: The National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary today and kicks off a weekend of fee-free days at Lake Mead National Recreation Area and national parks across the country. Park rangers will be hosting a Founders Day Celebration at the Alan Bible Visitors Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today, with activities for children and live desert wildlife, as well as a cake cutting at noon. All park entry fees will be waived today through Sunday, making this the perfect weekend to live this year’s NPS motto and “find your park,” where there are two lakes, miles of hiking trails and multiple campgrounds awaiting visitors ready begin their own adventure. For more information on Lake Mead, visit nps.gov/lake/index.htm.
3 SOULFUL SOUNDTRACK: Guitar-playing singer-songwriter Jeff Mix performs at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at The Dillinger Food and Drinkery, 1224 Arizona St. Touring again after recording the soundtrack for upcoming indie film “Lost Vegas Hiway,” Mix returns to town with a set full of covers and originals with the soulful bluesy sound reminiscent of Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. The free show is open to all. To hear some tunes from “Lost Vegas Hiway” and watch the preview, visit lostvegashiway.com.