1 EVENING EXCURSION: Get those holiday PJs ready for Nevada Southern Railway’s Pajama Train. The train departs the depot at 6 and 8 p.m. tonight and Friday, Dec. 14 and 15, with additional trips planned on Dec. 21, 22 and 23. Visits from Santa, story telling, hot chocolate and cookies highlight each round-trip ride. The trip begins and ends at the Nevada State Railroad Museum, 601 Yucca St. Tickets range from $20 to $30 per person, depending on type of seating. For more information, call 702-486-5933 on weekends or visit http://www.nevadasouthern.com anytime.
2 FARM FRESH: The Green Thumb farmers market sets up shop Saturday and Sunday in the parking lot in front of Chilly Jilly’z, 1680 Boulder City Parkway. Vendors offer a variety of items, including fresh produce, honey and crafts.
3 EXPLORATION EXPEDITION: If you need a place to take out-of-town visitors, consider a visit to Lake Mead National Recreation Area. With 1.5 million acres of land and water, there are ample opportunities to explore the park. There are places to hike, fish and boat. Stop by the Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Road, for maps and additional information.