1 BEER PONG: Head over to the Boulder Dam Brewing Co. for its Red, White and Brews tournament, scheduled from 6:30 to 9 tonight. In addition to the double-elimination tourney — and its $200 cash grand prize — there will be live entertainment and giveaways. Registration is $40 for a team of two, which includes beer and appetizers. Those interested must register by 6 p.m. The Brewpub is at 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit www.boulderdambrewing.com for more information.
2 POWERFUL MOVIE: Gather in the community room at the Boulder City Library for its after-hours movie at 5:30 p.m. Friday. “Power Rangers” will be the evening’s feature entertainment. The movie follows a group of high-school students who are infused with superpowers as they work to save the world. Bring blankets and snacks. The library is at 701 Adams Blvd.
3 FUNKY MUSIC: Johnny O of Las Vegas will bring his eclectic blend of jazz, funk and improvisational instrumental music to the Railroad Pass on Saturday night. His one-man shows offer a mix of classic rock songs and original music. His free show starts at 8 p.m. at the casino, 2800 S. Boulder Highway. Call 702-294-8130 for more information.