A single pea has been on the minds of many Boulder City High School students for the past six weeks. It’s brought them to tears, caused them to laugh and been the source of great frustration and joy.
That pea plays an integral part in “Once Upon a Mattress,” a musical spoof of the classic fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea,” which will be presented by the students tonight, Friday and Saturday in the school’s theater.
It is the first musical the school has presented in three years.
Starring in the cast are Kendrick Marchant as Prince Dauntless, Shannon Gros as Princess Winnifred, Londyn Hewlett as Queen Aggravain, Michael Anderson as King Sextimus, Anastasia Matuska as Lady Larken, Matthew Hansen as Sir Harry, Sofia Serratto as the wizard, Jordan Marzka as the minstrel, and Devin Desmond as the jester.
Gros, a senior, said she is enjoying the opportunity to play Princess Winnifred.
“She’s fun to play, out of my comfort zone.”
In the past, Gros said she has portrayed “simple women,” calling Princess Winnifred “really eccentric.”
A theater student, she has been in two short plays, as well as directing a short play. Additionally, she was in the school’s production of “Bus Stop.”
Gros said the most challenging part of the show has been tackling the songs.
“I have had a lot of difficulty hitting the notes, and it’s pretty scary to sing in front of people.”
“It’s been an amazing experience, super fun,” said Marchant, a freshman.
This is his first musical and the first time he has had a lead role.
“I was thinking about it (auditioning) when the teacher said ‘I’m signing you up.’ I auditioned and got the part.”
He said learning all the lines and the music has been a little difficult, but he is looking forward to the performances.
“This has been a trying experience — I’ll be honest,” said senior Ciana Noviski, who is part of the cast’s ensemble as well as a stage technician.
She said the six-week rehearsal schedule pushes the cast and crew to the limit, as they usually have 12 weeks to prepare for a musical.
Still, Noviski said the experience has been fun and she is enjoying being on stage, though it has been a “little nerve-racking.”
“It’s my second favorite Broadway musical,” she said.
Participating in the play is an extracurricular activity for all of the students. Some have theater, dance or choir experience, but being in the play is not a class requirement.
All performances begin at 6 p.m.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students.
Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.