Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City Review
Serge “Math Dad” Ballif performs an experiment at Superhero Saturday at the Boulder City Library on Saturday, April 28, 2018.
Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City
Members of the Imperial Forces stopped by Superhero Saturday at the Boulder City Library on Saturday, April 28, 2018. They are part of the Neon City Garrison of the 501st Legion, a group of volunteers that keep the Star Wars universe alive.
Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City Review
Samantha Bigger, head of information services at the Boulder City Library, dressed in historical attire for the cosplay portion of Superhero Saturday on Saturday, April 28, at the library.
Celia Shortt Goodyear/Boulder City Review
Cosplayer Ryan Carlton showcases some of the costumes he made as well as sharing the inspiration behind his work, Captain America’s shield, at Boulder City Library’s inaugural Superhero Saturday on Saturday, April 28.
Serge “Math Dad” Ballif performs an experiment at Superhero Saturday at the Boulder City Library.
Members of the Imperial forces stopped by Superhero Saturday at the Boulder City Library. They are part of the Neon City Garrison of the 501st Legion, a group of volunteers who keep the “Star Wars” universe alive.
Samantha Bigger, head of information services at the library, dressed in historical attire for the cosplay portion of Superhero Saturday.
Cosplayer Ryan Carlton showcases some of the costumes he made and shares the inspiration behind his work, Captain America’s shield, at the inaugural Superhero Saturday.