The dog days of summer are coming to an end but the Boulder City Pool is throwing one last outdoor bash before shutting down for two weeks of maintenance and preparation before fall begins.
The last day the pool will be open for swimming is Sept. 9, but on Sept. 10 don’t forget to bring your favorite furry friend for the second annual Soggy Doggy pool party. It’s scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon.
“It’s something we usually can’t do because of sanitation concerns,” said Jacob Andersen, aquatics coordinator for the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department. “But this one time of year is perfect because we’re about to shut down for two weeks and clean everything anyway. It’s a total blast watching all of the dogs running around and playing.”
All owners will need to show a Boulder City dog license and proof of up-to-date shots before their pets will be allowed into the pool.
The outdoor event is open to dogs of all breeds and sizes and the party will begin in the wading pool, but will move over to the lap pool if it becomes too crowded, according to Andersen.
The pool party will be divided up in two sessions, the first from 9-10:25 a.m. and a second from 10:35 a.m. to noon. Owners must register their dogs for one of the two sessions to bring their pets in.
“We divide the morning up into two sessions, in case it’s really busy,” said Andersen. “We want to make sure every dog has room to run around and play. But if it doesn’t end up too crowded, we will allow the sessions to overlap.”
Boulder City Animal Control and pool staff will be on site to help monitor the safety of the pets.
The pool will reopen for human use Sept. 26 after the pools have been drained and cleaned and the bubble has been erected to protect swimmers from the weather until next spring.
The pool complex is at 861 Avenue B.
For more information on the Boulder City Pool’s events and hours, visit http://www.bcnv.org/242/Pool-Racquetball-Complex
Contact reporter Hunter Terry at hterry@bouldercityreview.com or call 702-586-6711. Follow him on Twitter @HunterBCReview