Creative Watercrafts

18th annual cardboard boat races

Most original boat: Mikayla Martorano, Hatchling, first; Canyon Lenon, HMS Raptor, second; Carson Conway, Jurassic Jeep, third.

Best movie depiction: Taylor Reeves, Smoky the Great, first; Drew Huysentryut, The Volcano, second; Makenzie Martorano, Jurassic Park, third.

Funniest boat: Julian Moody, Mosesaurus Eats, first; Sydni Lauer, The Duck, second; Michael Martorano, Michaelsaurus, third.

Mayor’s Choice award: Logan Barrow, Delta Raptor and Morgan Barrow, Blue.

Race winners

6 and younger: Mieke Schultz, first; Michael Martorano, second.

7 and 8: Ty Lauer, first; Carson Conway, second.

9 and 10: Heat 1: Canyon Lenon, first; Logan Barrow, second. Heat 2: Makenzie Martorano, first; Sammy Schultz, second.

11 and 12: Mikayla Martorano, first; Kennedy Greene, second.

13 and older: Morgan Barrow, first; Dillon Viera, (lifeguard entry), second.

Titanic award (for fastest-sinking ship): Hannah Angell, Jurassic Roar.

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