Mother’s Day craft on tap at library
The Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming week. These include:
n Teen advisory group, 3 p.m. Monday in the community room.
n Crochet for a cause, 2:20 p.m. Tuesday in the community room. Learn how to crochet a sleeping mat for the homeless out of plastic bags. For those 12 and older.
n Mother’s Day craft hour, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Wednesday in the board room. For all ages.
n Positive Action for teens, 3 p.m. Wednesday in the community room. The nationally recognized, evidence-based program improves academics, behavior and character.
Call 702-293-1281 for details, reservations or more information.
Retirees to hear council candidates
The Boulder City Chapter of the Retired Public Employees of Nevada will hold its monthly meeting at 11 a.m. May 11 at The Homestead at Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Drive.
The group will be hosting the four candidates for City Council, Warren Harhay, Kiernan McManus, John Milburn and Cam Walker. Each will be given five minutes to speak, followed by questions.
For more information, contact Bernard at bernardpaolini@cox.net.
Women’s network to meet May 13
Anew Women’s Network will meet at 1:30 p.m. May 13 at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd.
The monthly meeting for widows offers friendship and information about relationships, finances, emotions and spiritual and physical well-being.
A light lunch will be served.
For further information, contact Fran Jordan at 702-371-5932.
Sons of Norway to mark Constitution Day on May 17
The Sons of Norway, Desert Troll Lodge of Boulder City/Henderson, will host a Norwegian Constitution Day celebration from 5-8 p.m. May 17 at Bicentennial Park, 999 Colorado St.
The free event will include Nordic food such as lefse, wienerpolser and heart waffles with jam, a parade, bunads, classic cars, a bounce house, games, a white elephant raffle and an ice cream truck.
The keynote speaker will be Barbara Cegavske, Nevada’s secretary of state.
For more information, contact Dave Nelson at 702-294-0011 or odnelson2@gmail.com.
Caring for those with Alzheimer’s focus of free May 18 seminar
Boulder City residents are invited to learn more about caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease during a special presentation at 8:30 a.m. May 18 at the Senior Center of Boulder City, 813 Arizona St. The Homestead at Boulder City is sponsoring the event.
Amy Moore Peterson and Evelyn Castro of the Alzheimer’s Association, Desert Southwest Chapter, will discuss the emotional challenges of caring for someone with the disease.
A free breakfast will be provided.
Reservations are requested and can be made by contacting Tanya Vece at 702-294-8720 or tvece@voa.org.
Alliance plans candidates night, to host community barbecue
The Boulder City Community Alliance will hold a candidates forum at 6 p.m. May 18 at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. All four candidates for City Council, Warren Harhay, Kiernan McManus, John Milburn and Cam Walker, have been invited to speak.
Each candidate will be given the opportunity to speak before being asked questions by those attend.
All are welcome to attend.
Additionally, the alliance is hosting a community barbecue from noon to 4 p.m. May 20 in Bicentennial Park, 999 Colorado St. Family activities, food and beverages will be provided.
Methodist Church presenting Loaves &Lobsters dinner
Boulder City United Methodist Church is hosting its second annual Loaves &Lobster fundraising dinner at 6 p.m. May 20 at the Boulder City Elks Lodge, 1217 Nevada Highway.
Live lobsters are flown in from Maine for the dinner. The evening’s festivities also will include a silent auction and vintage jewelry sale.
All proceeds from the event will be used to support the church’s ministries in Boulder City and around the world, such as Family Promise, a program that helps homeless families get into a home; making sleeping mats for the homeless; offering an after-school program for elementary school students; and leading divorce and grief recovery classes.
Tickets are $45 each and can be purchased Friday or May 12 in front of the Boulder Dam Credit Union, 530 Avenue G, or by calling Pat at 702-308- 8409.
Additional information is available by visiting www.bouldercityumc.org or calling the Rev. Sandy Johnson at 702-461-2590.
Help needed to honor veterans at city cemetery for Memorial Day
Members of American Legion Post 31 and its auxiliary, Unit 31, are seeking community residents to help them place crosses and flags on the grave sites of veterans at the Boulder City Municipal Cemetery, 501 Adams Blvd. There are more than 400 veterans buried there.
Flags will be placed starting at 10 a.m. May 27. In addition, they will need assistance removing the flags at 4 p.m. May 29.
For more information, call the post at 702-293-6374.