Art guild creates display at library
The Boulder City Art Guild will open a new exhibit Saturday at the Boulder City Public Library, 701 Adams Blvd. The exhibit will be in the community room and will be on display until Dec. 31.
The annual winter exhibit is a juried show; awards will be presented Wednesday during the guild’s winter meeting, potluck and holiday social. Visitors also will be able to vote on their favorites, with a People’s Choice award to be given out Jan. 3.
Guild members also have another exhibit, “The Old West,” at the Hoover Dam Lodge, which remains on display through the end of the year. The exhibit features about 40 pieces of art. The resort is at 18000 U.S. Highway 93.
For more information, call the art guild at 702-293-2138.
Car club to sponsor toy drive
The 3 Other Guyz Car Club will sponsor a pancake breakfast and toy drive from 8-10 a.m. Saturday at the Boulder City Elks Lodge, 1217 Nevada Way. The drive will benefit the Angel Tree program and Emergency Aid of Boulder City. Admittance is a minimum donation of $10 or an unwrapped new toy, and includes a raffle ticket.
Through community donations, Angel Tree provides gifts to needy children and seniors. Angel tags are available at the Boulder Dam Credit Union, 530 Avenue G.
P.E.O. to hold holiday bazaar
Chapter K of P.E.O., the Philanthropic Educational Organization, will present its annual Holiday Bazaar from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 812 Arizona St. The event will feature crafts, bakery goods, handmade jewelry and raffle prizes. Coffee and hot cider will also be available.
All proceeds from this event will benefit P.E.O. projects and scholarships. Chapter K has been an active chapter in Boulder City since 1945.
Holiday survival seminar for divorced people set
Boulder City United Methodist Church will host a seminar, “Divorce Care: Surviving the Holidays,” from 6-8 p.m. Sunday at The Homestead at Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Drive. The seminar will focus on practical strategies for dealing with the emotional strains of separation and divorce during the holidays.
Dinner and childcare will be provided.
To register, contact the Rev. Sandy Johnson at 702-293-7240 or sandy_L_johnson@hotmail.com. For more information, visit www.bouldercityumc.com.
The church also is offering a 15-week program that will be held at The Homestead; it will begin in January. It is designed to help people deal with the pain of divorce or separation and how to rebuild their lives through connecting with other people who share similar obstacles and emotions.
Dinner with WWII vets to raise money for flight
Vino with Veterans offers the chance to meet and appreciate the published works of World War II veterans, including a survivor of Pearl Harbor. The event is put together by Honor Flight Southern Nevada and will run from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at the Bootlegger Copa Room, 7700 Las Vegas Blvd. South.
There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine. Tickets cost $50 and the funds raised will be used to help pay for the next Honor Flight in spring 2017.
Elks host bingo every Monday night
Boulder City Elks Lodge, No. 1682, invites the community to join its bingo sessions at the lodge, 1217 Nevada Highway. They are now held Monday evenings. Bingo cards are sold separately starting at 5:30 p.m. and the games begin at 6. Each session features 11 games, including a coverall.
Garden club to hear guest speaker
The Boulder City Garden Club will meet at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday in the library of The Homestead at Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park.
Kristie Livreri, director of the National Garden Club’s Pacific region, will speak on “Looking to the Garden Through the Eyes of a Child: A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities.” The program will start at 7 p.m. and is open to the public.
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/1596264420603762.
Nonprofits hold pet food drive
See Spot Run and Emergency Aid of Boulder City have initiated a pet food drive to benefit local animals in need. Until Dec. 24, there will be a large black container for donations at the entrance of the dog park at Veterans’ Memorial Park, 1650 Buchanan Blvd.
The nonprofits are hoping to receive food for cats, dogs, birds and fish, dry or wet varieties, as well as litter and any items that fit specific needs. All donations should be unopened and within the expiration date. The bin will be emptied nightly.
Donations can be dropped off year-round to Professional Pet Room & Groom, 707 Canyon Road, Unit 105a.
See Spot Run also will host a work day from 9-11 a.m. Dec. 10 at the dog park. Volunteers are needed and welcome.
Clubs and crafts on tap at the library
Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming week. These include:
• Lego challenge, 3:30 p.m. today in the community room. The session is designed for those 6 and older.
• Art club, 1 p.m. Saturday in the board room. For those in grades 4-8.
• Craft hour, 10 a.m. Tuesday in the community room. Fish crafts are on tap.
• Positive Action for Teens, 3 p.m. Wednesday in the community room. The nationally recognized, evidence-based program improves academic, behavior and character.
Myriad events this week at Lake Mead
Lake Mead National Recreation Area has a variety of special events happening in the coming week. These include:
• National Park Treasures: Celebrating Conservation, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Drive. UNLV ecology professor Scott Abella will share stories of conservation challenges and successes of the National Park Service’s efforts over the past 100 years. Abella is the author of “Conserving America’s National Parks,” and he will sign books after each half-hour presentation.
• Ranger Hike: Liberty Bell Arch, 8:30 a.m. Saturday. The hike passes the remains of a World War II-era mine before reaching a natural arch and a Colorado River overlook. Reservations requested.
• Make s’mores at park headquarters, 4:30-6 p.m. Saturday at Lake Mead park headquarters, 601 Nevada Way, during Santa’s Electric Night Parade. Park rangers will provide marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate.
• Parade of Lights, 6:30 pm. Saturday. Around 25 boats adorned with lights and holiday decorations will participate in the 40th annual Lake Mead Boating Association’s Parade of Lights. Decorated boats will be on display at Las Vegas Boat Harbor and Lake Mead Marina from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Visitors can vote for their favorite decorations. At 6:30 p.m., the boats will depart the marinas and parade across the Boulder Basin. Visitors can watch the departure from the marinas or view the parade from Boulder Beach. For more information, visit goo.gl/QYlG6Y.
• Ranger Chat: “Lake Mead Rocks: Geology 101,” 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday at the Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Drive. Learn how the landscape of the recreation area has changed over millions of years from tropical shallow seas to fiery volcanoes.
For more information about any of the recreation area’s events, call 702-293-8990.
PFLAG meeting set for Dec. 13
PFLAG, formerly Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, will meet at 6 p.m. Dec. 13, at The Homestead at Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Drive.
This month’s meeting will be a celebratory potluck dinner and will feature guest speaker Tim O’Callaghan, who will discuss some of his experiences with families who have had a member come out. His talk will begin at 7.
The group offers discussion centered on education, advocacy and mutual support to discuss family issues with others who have experienced sexual orientation-related issues. Those who attend are straight and gay.
The group sponsors a hotline at 702-241-4050 or can be reached by email at pflagofbouldercity@gmail.com.
For additional information, contact Terry McClain at the number above or at tmcclain44@bouldercityumc.com.
Blood drive scheduled for Dec. 15
Boulder City Hospital and United Blood Services will hold a blood drive from 1-7 p.m. Dec. 15 in the gymnasium at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 916 Fifth St. To schedule an appointment, visit www.bloodhero.com and enter the code “bouldercity” or call 702-795-8335.
Republican women to hear a capella singer
The Boulder City Republican Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting on Dec. 15 at DeSimone’s Steakhouse inside Railroad Pass, 2800 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the program will begin at 11:45.
The program will feature a performance by Jesse Law, who will sing Christmas music a capella. New officers will be installed as well.
Cost of the luncheon is $21. Reservations are required and must be made by noon Dec. 8. For more information, call 702-393-1228 or email bcgop@yahoo.com.