Excessive heat warning issued for Lake Mead, Boulder City

The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning today for Lake Mead National Recreation Area, lasting through the weekend.

Temperatures in the park are forecasted to be near or above 114 degrees today on Lake Mead, and over 120 degrees on Lake Mojave.

Temperatures are expected to hit 117 Saturday and Sunday.

The heat warning ends Monday at 8 p.m. However, park temperatures are expected to remain in the triple digits for the next 10 days.

“These extreme temps could lead to heat related injuries if precautions are not taken. We discourage people from hiking or participating in other strenuous outdoor activities at Lake Mead National Recreation Area while the warning is in place,” park ranger Brandon Marsmaker said.

A 69-year-old Boy Scout leader died June 8 while hiking with his troop at the Lake Mead area, the remainder of which were rescued while suffering from heat exposure. Temperatures that day spiked at 110.

People exposed to extreme heat may be at the risk of heat stress, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Some symptoms include hot, dry skin or profuse sweating, chills, throbbing headaches, dizziness, extreme weakness or muscle cramps.

If someone starts to exhibit signs of nausea, vomiting, dizziness or weakness, they may be experiencing heat exhaustion and should seek medical attention.

If someone becomes disoriented, stops sweating, has hot, dry skin, or passes out, that person is probably experiencing heat stroke, which is a serious medical condition.

If someone experiences any of these symptoms, the park service advises you to call 911 immediately.

People exposed to extreme heat should avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages because they increase stress on the body and accelerate dehydration.

“If you’re coming out to enjoy Lake Mead or Lake Mohave this week, use a buddy system, monitor the condition of your friends and have someone do the same for you,” said Marsmaker. “Bring plenty of water, and don’t forget to provide water and shade for your pets. And remember, children, the elderly and those with chronic ailments are the most susceptible to heat-related illness.”

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, heat is the number one weather-related killer in United States.

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