(Hali Bernstein Saylor/Boulder City Review) Jose “Chile” Ruacho, in back second from right, a d …

(Hali Bernstein Saylor/Boulder City Review) Jose "Chile" Ruacho, in back second from right, a d ...

(Hali Bernstein Saylor/Boulder City Review)
Jose “Chile” Ruacho, in back second from right, a disabled veteran and member of the Vietnam Vets-Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club, brought his family from Los Angeles to Boulder City to support the 25th annual Fly Your Flags Over Hoover Dam run on Sunday, May 26. Joining him were, front row, from left, Lucy, Leyla, Jose, back row, from left, Eva and Bella Ruacho. He was accompanied by his service dog of two weeks, Willow, that had been rescued from Mexico and trained by prison inmates.