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Creativity reigns to escape summer heat

There’s no need to tell you that it’s hot.

So far this month, there have only been three days less than 100 degrees, according to accuweather.com. And those three were not cool days by any means. They were barely less than 100 degrees.

Nor does it really matter that the forecast for the rest of this month calls for more heat and the arrival of summer monsoons. There is no relief in sight until the latter part of August when the temperatures are forecast to fall into the low- to mid-90s.

Aside from sitting in a bathtub filled with ice water, what can we do to cool off?

Those of us who chose to live in the desert have learned to adapt as much as possible. We move from one air-conditioned space to another, spending as little time outdoors during the heat of the day as possible.

Car windows are tinted dark and air conditioning is a must. We bring along ice chests and coolers when we go grocery shopping, and we never leave the home without bringing along water or some form of hydrating liquid.

At home, shades, blinds and drapes are kept drawn, especially in the afternoons and definitely if the windows they cover are on the west side of the home. Swimming pools provide some respite, but when it’s 115 degrees out, the pool becomes too much like a hot tub.

So we look for alternatives.

A hot summer afternoon is the perfect time to take in a blockbuster at the movie theater. Or window shop inside an air-conditioned mall.

I don’t know if it will work, but I’m willing to try escaping into a good book set in a cool location.

Maybe the heat is one of the reasons why July is National Ice Cream Month. That’s one celebration I can truly get behind — often.

The month is filled with other cool and refreshing observances, like today’s National Refreshment Day or National Hot Fudge Sundae Day, which was celebrated Monday or National Coffee Milkshake Day, which was marked Tuesday.

August hasn’t been forgotten either. It has it’s own observances to help us think cool, including National Watermelon Day (Aug. 3), National Root Beer Float Day (Aug. 6), National Creamsicle Day (Aug. 14), National Spumoni Day (Aug. 21), National Banana Split Day (Aug. 25) and National Cherry Popsicle Day (Aug. 26).

If you would prefer not to eat your way to coolness, you can choose to do nothing. August also brings us National Lazy Day (Aug. 10) and National Relaxation Day (Aug. 15).

If we just get a bit creative, we can find ways to get through the summer’s worst days. Then, before we know it, the winter chill will be here and we’ll be longing for these warm summer days.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercity
review.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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